
In India, the incidence of cancer is increasing rapidly; therefore it is important to step up cancer literacy and knowledge amongst the population.

We hope that this will lead to early detection which is important in the management and treatment of cancer and also prevention by making necessary changes in lifestyle.

We, Somalaraju Foundation, established 2013, is spreading awareness of cancer, arranging early detection camps and Oral cancer medical camps along with other medical services.


Breast Cancer is rapidly rising amongst women in urban areas and it is the most common cancer in India. Early detection is essential in its management and treatment. Due to ignorance, fear, and social stigma many women present with stage III or IV cancer which requires surgery and extensive treatment. If detected early, then in most cases there will be less aggressive treatment and better chances of recovery.

Cervical Cancer is the second most common cancer among women in India. It is the only preventable cancer and it can be detected in the pre – cancerous phase and cured.

Oral and Lung cancers are highest among men and women in the urban as well as rural population and these can also be prevented to a large extent. Therefore, making people aware of the dangers of chewing tobacco and smoking is of great importance.

Objectives of Cancer Awareness Project:

  • Create cancer awareness and remove the stigma and fear attached.
  • Help people recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage.
  • Educate people about the key risk factors, since more than 30% of cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding the risk factors.
  • Inform people about the importance of regular screening and check-ups.
  • Inform women about mammograms, clinical breast exam and breast self-exam.
  • Inform women about Pap smear tests to check for signs of cervical cancer.
  • The primary goal of ICS is to promote and develop awareness in the public and emphasize the importance of early detection, all of which play a major role in the treatment of cancer. Cancer awareness can also lead to people making healthier lifestyle choices.

Healthy Life Style

  • Do not smoke or chew tobacco
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains
  • Do not be overweight
  • Lead an active life and exercise
  • Sleep for minimum 7 hours a day
  • Get screened and do medical check up regularly


  • Breast cancer: One in 25 women has a chance of getting breast cancer in India. Screening by mammography for women over 45 or post menopause, Clinical breast exam by a doctor and self breast exam are methods of early detection.
  • Oral cancer: This is among the top cancers in India due to rampant use of chewing tobacco and smoking. High consumption of alcohol is also a risk factor. Doctors check for red or white patches in the mouth and for lumps in the mouth and throat. A regular dental check for sharp edges of teeth is also recommended.
  • Cervical cancer: This cancer is 2nd highest among women in India. This can be detected in the pre – cancerous stage and treated before it turns into cancer. Screening tests are Pap smear, VIA and HPV.
  • Colorectal cancer: This is also a common cancer and tests can be done to detect it early.
  • Prostate Cancer: This is a cancer that affects older men and there are screening tests for this cancer.


  • Cancer only means death
  • One gets cancer because of bad karma
  • Cancer is contagious
  • Stress, hair dye, deodorants do not cause cancer
  • Cancers are always hereditary
  • Some forms of tobacco do not cause cancer

What is Cancer?

In simple terms, cancer is an abnormal growth of body cells. Each one of us is born with a potential for cancer. One cannot “Catch” it as one would an infection or a cold. When the programming of a cell or a group of cells is affected, growth may become uncontrolled. Some of the factors that can alter the code are chronic irritation, tobacco, smoke and dust, radioactive substances, age, sex, race and heredity. While one cannot control many of these factors , we need to be aware of the ones we can control of. Prevention is definitely better than treatment of cancer. No one yet talks of cure, treatment:

What is the difference between normal and malignant cells?

Normal cells grow in a well regulated pattern. When cancer sets in, a group of cells suddenly starts multiplying in a haphazard and uncontrolled way, forming lumps or tumors. a malignant tumor never stops growing and can spread to other parts of the body.

Danger Signals (Signs and Symptoms of Cancer)

  • A persistent sore especially if it is in the mouth, on the lip or on tongue. Long standing sores due to smoking, sharp edge of teeth, or dental plates that do not fit, can develop into cancer if not taken care of. Common ‘Cold Sore’ disappears after a few days – Cancer does not. If any such sore persists more than a few days, see your doctor.
  • Lumps or masses which appear where none were present previously should arouse suspicion of cancer. This is especially true in the case of women and is the most readily cured if treated early.
  • Persistent indigestion or change in bowel habits, while usually due to other causes, are often caused in the intestinal tract and should be reported.
  • Unexplained or abnormal bleeding from anybody opening should be quickly investigated by a physician. Coughing up or vomiting blood, passing blood in the urine and rectal bleeding are common symptoms of cancer. In women the first sign of cancer of the uterus is often a bloody discharge occurring between menstrual periods or after menopause.
  • Persistent hoarseness or cough of abnormal duration deserves a careful examination by your doctor. Cancer of the larynx (voice box) or respiratory passages or lung may be the cause.
  • Unexplained loss of weight may be due to many things but may also be due to hidden cancer.
What causes cancer?

Though it is very difficult to pinpoint the definite cause. Certain substances, known as carcinogens, can definitely increase your chances of getting cancer. For instance, people who smoke or chew tobacco are more prone to mouth, throat and lung cancer, Contrary to popular opinion, beedi smoking is twice as dangerous as cigarettes. Continued irritation of tissues can lead to cancer. Pollution, preserved food, smoked and junk food are also contributory. Even certain viruses can cause cancer (EBV, Hepatitis B, HPV). Amongst other known causes are asbestos, arsenic, pitch, tar, ultra-violet rays.

Is cancer caused by a germ?

There is no scientific evidence that cancer is directly caused by a germ. Although certain viruses are known to cause cancer but they form <2% of the cancer burden.

Does cancer come from a single bruise?

No. A single injury to soft tissue or bone does not give rise to cancer.

What is the relation of food to cancer?

High fat, low roughage western diet predisposes to colon cancer. Diet rich in animal fats also contributes to breast cancer. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits contain certain antioxidants which prevent cancer. Recently tomato, ginger and cabbage etc. have been found to have medicinal antioxidant property. Avoid junk food, smoked food and preserved food. Be vegetarian and prevent cancer!

Will irregularity in eating cause cancer of the stomach?

There is no scientific evidence that it will, since cancer of stomach may occur in people who eat most regularly.

Does eating hot food cause cancer?

There is little evidence that the temperature of food is an important factor in development of cancer. But recently too hot food has been correlated with food pipe cancer. Too spicy food may be related to stomach cancer as is evident from its high incidence in Southern parts of India.

Does the use of alcohol bear any relation to cancer of the stomach?

Alcohol is a predisposing factor for the development of cancer of oesophagus, laryngopharynx and liver.

Is cancer hereditary?

There are probably inherited tendencies that may lead to cancers of different types. The presence of cancer in one or both parents should be a cause for greater alertness in looking for and recognising suspicious symptoms in the individual. Cancer however is not inherited except for one type of eye cancer known as Retinoblastoma. Only 5% of breast cancers are considered hereditary.

Can cancer be transmitted by kissing or casual contact between persons or between persons and animals?

No. There is no record of cancer having been transmitted by kissing or by any contact, accidental or otherwise, between individuals or between person and animals.

Do corns become cancerous?

Cancer may occur in any tissue to the body, but a corn does not as a rule develop into cancer.

Do freckles turn into cancer?

Simple freckles do not. However, flat moles containing pigment of a bluish-black colour and looking like dark freckles, may become cancerous and should be checked periodically.

Do piles turn into cancer?

No. Piles or hemorrhoids are merely enlarged veins in the rectal wall. Cancer is occasionally found in the tissue above the hemorrhoids. So “bleeding piles” should be examined carefully to determine whether cancer is also present. Rectal bleeding can occur due to cancer.

Can one’s mental condition influence the course of cancer?

Cancer is a disease of body cells. One’s mental condition has no direct effect on the course of the disease since this malignant change is apparently due to physical process. But positive attitudes, fighting spirits and healthy thinking helps you to cope with cancer better. So, it has an indirect bearing on response to cancer treatment.

Does radiation cause cancer?

Indiscriminate use of X-rays frequently may increase your chances of getting cancer. Lately, there are certain reports quoting higher incidence of Leukemia and Brain Tumors in persons using Cell phone. But this needs further research.